Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Roof Patch

The Garage roof has holes in it, and has thus been unsuitable for storing tools and work projects for Blake's custom jobs. So we acquired an old bilboard tarp, cut it and sewed it with fishing line to fit the roof, and tacked it up. The sewing project - with a spool of fishing line on the sewing machine and Blake helping me feed the huge tarp under the needle - was quite a sight! Too bad I forgot to get pictures of that part...

Also featured is the newest Hiett addition - our cat Blackie. He is also known as Negro, or most commonly, Gato.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Horses' Home

The horses are in a 4-ish acre pasture, with a seasonal runoff creek and PLENTY of grass :). All the land you see, and much more, is ours to ride on! The barn holds hay and tack for us. We enjoy riding through the Turnback Creek, at the bottom of the hill behind the barn. Thank you , Cooks, for such a great spot to ride!